Posts Tagged ‘Yuengling’


Yesterday, we spent another day in Universal Studios. I know I posted about good beer being available in the Hog’s Head Tavern and a craft beer stand outside, on the city walk, but inside the rest of the park is a different story. All I found around the park was Miller Light, Yuengling, Blue Moon, and Heineken. I don’t hate Yuengling. It would be my preference given the options. What made me dislike it under the circumstances was that I found it in the “San Francisco” portion of Universal. Yuengling is East Coast, it shouldn’t be in “San Francisco.” They should have struck a deal with Anchor. Also, the guy at the kiosk next to the beer stand told us we were supporting the wrong team (SF Giants) and that he only helped Detroit fans. We promptly thanked him for the best four games of our post season. I also said something along the lines of “Check your surroundings. You’re in San Francisco. No wonder you work here and not Disney.” His response was, “Alright, I’ll give you that.” In hindsight, that was kind of harsh, but their poor job of representing SF was irritating (the pier number they used for their shops is the AT&T Park parking garage—they did minimal research, if any). End of rant.

All that left me thirsty for a good beer, which I found easily enough at the Polynesian Resort’s bar. They carried Terrapin Rye Pale Ale. I love Rye Pale Ales. I can’t find any IBU information on the beer, but it can’t be high. The hops provide citrus notes, but not a lot of bitterness. The rye flavored are light too. The prominent flavors came from the malts. It was very good. It definitely hit the spot after my earlier beer related irritation. Taking it back to my room made it even better.


Yesterday, we spent another day in Universal Studios. I know I posted about good beer being available in the Hog’s Head Tavern and a craft beer stand outside, on the city walk, but inside the rest of the park is a different story. All I found around the park was Miller Light, Yuengling, Blue Moon, and Heineken. I don’t hate Yuengling. It would be my preference given the options. What made me dislike it under the circumstances was that I found it in the “San Francisco” portion of Universal. Yuengling is East Coast, it shouldn’t be in “San Francisco.” They should have struck a deal with Anchor. Also, the guy at the kiosk next to the beer stand told us we were supporting the wrong team (SF Giants) and that he only helped Detroit fans. We promptly thanked him for the best four games of our post season. I also said something along the lines of “Check your surroundings. You’re in San Francisco. No wonder you work here and not Disney.” His response was, “Alright, I’ll give you that.” In hindsight, that was kind of harsh, but their poor job of representing SF was irritating (the pier number they used for their shops is the AT&T Park parking garage—they did minimal research, if any). End of rant.

All that left me thirsty for a good beer, which I found easily enough at the Polynesian Resort’s bar. They carried Terrapin Rye Pale Ale. I love Rye Pale Ales. I can’t find any IBU information on the beer, but it can’t be high. The hops provide citrus notes, but not a lot of bitterness. The rye flavored are light too. The prominent flavors came from the malts. It was very good. It definitely hit the spot after my earlier beer related irritation. Taking it back to my room made it even better.